Why The Booming Wedding Industry Thrives On Plastic Products
Why The Booming Wedding Industry Thrives On Plastic Products

Often considered the recession-proof industry, the wedding industry in India amounts to more than 40 billion dollars. It keeps growing rapidly at an annual rate of 30%. But this ever-booming industry doesn’t come without its own hassles. There are hundreds of tiny details that have to be taken care of. While the big fat Indian weddings make it to the headlines, it is the smaller, regular-scale weddings that make up for the volume of this industry. So where does plastic come into all of this? Well it’s the little accessories that make a big event. You may be a wedding planner, a caterer or just a regular person trying to host a wedding – but the following plastic products are going to save you from a lot of trouble.

The seating arrangement is one of the chief concerns in a wedding. Plastic chairs serve the purpose more aptly in this case. First of all, due to their lightweight, they can be easily rearranged owing to sudden requirements. Secondly, they’re easily transportable, which makes it possible for one to call for more supplies in case there’s a shortage. Thirdly, they’re unbreakable. No unruly kid running around the wedding ground breaks plastic chairs. Therefore, if you’re a vendor, you don’t have to worry about losses, and if you’re renting the chairs, you don’t have to worry about incurring extra costs.

1 Plastic chair and Plastic tables

plastic armchair

Now let’s talk about the aesthetics. You don’t need to have a designer wedding to make sure that your chairs and tables look good. The best thing about plastic chairs and plastic tables is that they come in different colours. They can easily be a decorative complement to the wedding decorations. Plastc without arm chairs often covered with a decorative white cover. That makes a low-cost plastic chair look premium. It’s one of the most cost-effective ways of enhancing the appeal of a wedding through the furniture.

But that’s not the only area where the use of plastic comes in handy at weddings. If you’re arranging a wedding, you’d know that there are several things that need to be carried from one place to another and stored. There are flowers, decorative, tools, food items, and so much more coming in and out of the wedding premises – you need to store these items with care. This is where the role of quality plastic crates comes to play.

2. Plastic Kitchen Trolleys

Plastic kitchen trolleys for serving starters makes life a lot easier for caterers at weddings.  Plastic crates are also useful for collecting used plates.

Plastic waste bins are also an indispensable part of wedding events. No event management is successful  without a proper waste management system, and if you don’t want your wedding to smell foul, make sure your waste bins are sorted. In destination weddings plastic make-shift toilets are also quite common. 

While the wedding industry is booming, it may also leave behind a tremendous amount of waste. Plastic furniture and other plastic products also play a role in limiting the carbon footprints of our weddings by being – reusable, recyclable and highly durable.

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