A lot of effort has been put to make the educational environment better for students in India. These include changing syllabi, trying to introduce no-detention policies, lightening the weight of school bags, etc. However, little has been done to fix the classroom study tables and chairs in which students spend most of their day sitting on.
A senior lecturer at Havard University Jack Dennerlain pointed out the role of poor chairs on the lack of performances of students in an article published “Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment, and Rehabilitation.” Here’s what he was quoted saying: “These chairs cause long term problems for students, such as permanent neck and back damage, headaches and an eventual lack of focus.”
The situation is quite the same in India if not worse. A survey conducted by the Children’s Academy Group of Schools identified that heavy school bags, lack of physical fitness, sleeping habits and poor plastic tables and chairs as causes of back and shoulder pain among students. Considering the entire report, Rohan Bhat, chairperson of CAGS pointed out a vital issue. He said, “How children sit in the classroom, where they spend nearly six to seven hours daily is of utmost importance. However, no one seems to be paying attention to it.”
So what can be done to make sure that students do not damage their backs during these six to seven hours daily?
Introduce better study table and chairs in classrooms. Plastic chairs that are scientifically designed to provide the required cushion to the human vertebrate are not too much to ask for. But what makes a chair appropriate for a classroom environment? First of all, the backrest must support the lumbar and the upper back. This can be achieved by designing a curve on the backrest that contours the back resulting in better posture.
The backrest can also be fitted with tiny holes so the back of the body can get enough air circulation. Since these chairs play a pivotal role in shaping a student’s future, customizations can also be made if necessary. Therefore, adjustability of the chair to tighten or loosen the backrest should also be a feature because body types are different.
These are some ingenious features that must be implemented right away in classroom chairs so that students can concentrate on their studies and not be distracted by an aching back. Fortunately, this is exactly what Italica has aimed for with the new Spine Care Chair series.