Hosting IPL Watch Parties? Italica Furniture to the Rescue
Are you that house in the society that hosts the biggest IPL match watching parties? If so, you know it’s not easy dealing with several over-enthusiastic guests. But it’s a great feeling to be the proud host of such a happy event, isn’t it? We get it. Here’s what you need to make your house ready to host this IPL and all the seasons to follow.
Plastic Chairs

Your couch is definitely not enough to seat so many people, and neither is it safe from the danger of getting coffee or beer spilled over as the enthusiasm rises every time Kohli hits a six. Therefore, it would be advisable to have lightweight, sturdy and comfortable plastic chairs at your disposal. Plastic Chairs aren’t aesthetic enough you say? Have you checked out the latest designs on Plastic Chairs for Home available these days? If not, check these out.
Plastic Table

An IPL watch party with the entire neighbourhood in your house guarantees one thing – lots and lots of food for all the hungry cricket fanatics. Your dining table is too far from the television set and too expensive to be messed up with all the food for your guests. Your centre table is too small for the party. Plastic tables to the rescue again! Have the delicious spread kept on a beautiful Plastic Table and forget about food stains on your furniture. Easy to clean, easy to maintain and beautiful to look at.
Kitchen Trolley
Now that you have a place to keep your delicacies, there’s a bigger concern. You want to bring those pakodas fresh and hot, serving after serving. But are you going to carry them in your hand wearing mittens all the way from the kitchen to the drawing room every time? Not when you have a Kitchen Trolley! Just put the food straight from the pan into the trolley and have them sent over where the action is.
Plastic Crates

You may wonder what the need for a crate on a household is — this isn’t a hotel. If you’re hosting an IPL match watch party, your house is going to be no less busy than a hotel. There are so many things you’re going to keep in store – paper cups, paper plates, packets and packets of snacks, beer bottles and so much more. Where are you going to stuff all that? On your kitchen slab? In the drawing room? Certainly not on your bed. Get a Plastic Crate that serves the purpose and looks premium too. Something like this
Plastic Waste Bins

Where do you think all the waste from this gala party is going to go? You may think your tiny waste bin is enough but it’s not. Don’t take a chance. Get a big, nice looking Plastic Waste Bin if you don’t want to wake up to the stink of rotting smell the next morning.
Baby Chair

Sushma from 601 says she can’t join you for the watch party because she has to take care of her infant? Don’t worry. Tell her you to have her covered.